Friday, August 17, 2012

Civil Engineer : A Student Life

Its been 5 years since I last stepped on my Alma Mater Southern Luzon State University. And for sometimes I think I should have take a look back and reminiscing my College days. A glimpse of my worry free School day, exams without reviewing, dancing with my group ENDANTRO, climbing mountain and exploring nature  with ENGINEERING MOUNTAINEERS SOCIETY. Countless stories and social with my college friends.

Hey take a look short look back of what I remember.

KICK OFF PARTY.  Class 2002-2007

An Informal Class picture during our last year in college some of us took 5 years of studying and some of us as late as 8 years of study in Civil Engineering. Now most of this individuals are successful engineers in their chosen fields. And some of them take a pledge of being a full time parents. Its happy to see all of them in this condition where everyone is slim and sexy!

A finishing picture before the program starts.
Thanks to my classmates passed all my subjects in due time hahaha.. Its fun that you have an exam the next day then instead of you stay at home and study I joined them in the 1 bottle hard drinks. But in the end we all passed. 

Baguio. In our last year, this is the most expensive field trip!
The morning breeze in Baguio is freezing. We took our bath in damn cold water.

Early morning we went to northern Dam construction.

After Acceptance Party. We welcomed the freshmen in our last year stay in College. This will served as marked that we passed down our legacy to them

A memorable photo shoot at our hotel during our stay in our field trip. a fun and relaxing way to start our new life in stressful environment. 
Now, We hardly see each other because of our work and availability. But ince a year we have a small gathering in Los Banos laguna just to meet up and relieve the stress from our work. Not everybody came on this particular meet ups but still some of us made it and take a look back on the friendship ad hardship we went.

A Smile. I can never forget this smiles a that somehow build a name under our  life today. A college life to me is the most fun part of my life. I started to open up and make friends. Start to understand the feeling of not being a self centered and nerd person who only thinks to succeed.

The group of 4th year and 5th year student during our kick off party. The 4th year  class prepared a presentation for each one of the graduating student in civil engineering department.

Engineering Mountaineers Society. This picture was taken during our exploration on the mountain of Batangas. Where the terrain we have been through  is a white sand beach and deep blue ocean at the bottom of the mountain, and took our pathway on the a waterfalls and clean fresh water. and to the peak we have a 360 degrees of natures finest.

Beach. Our relaxing time after the 2.5 hours descend from the mountain. A rocky place beside the clean blue ocean and  we had our swimming even though every our body have not taken a rest. We just jump into the water and freshen up. An event that will be a part of my life experience during our stress free  life.

After Graduation.  3 years back we went again to mount Maculod in batangas . Here we can see the changes on our body. We became fatter. Reason is we already have salary. hahaha

Alumni Association. A fun climb in Majayjay laguna. The Imelda Falls. This is where the fun climb  where new joiners in our organization have a chance to see the glimpse of what they can expect on our group. 

SPORTSFEST WITH EMS. Every year we are conducting our sportsfest where a gathering of ALUMNI and our current members in our organization teamed up and battle out for the win in every sports event.  Name the sports from A-Z and traditional Filipino Games.

A travel from main island to remote island. during our 2nd year in college we went  a subject for a land survey. Our class were divided int 3 teams composed our own classmates lead by their respective leader. The main purpose of the travel is to relocate the satellite school campuses of Southern Luzon polytechnic College. Under the supervision of our "Mommy" Engr .Lourdes Quevada to survey and provide the data for our School.

ENDANTRO. I never expected i knew how to dance. Its been my last year in the college  that time I joined them. I dont know maybe i just want to experience the dancing part of my life and joined competition only once but we lost. In the end I gained new friends which we hangout almost every after practice and drink until we fell asleep from laughter and jokes. Its fun

For 5 long years after this happen. Its time for a REUNION!